As Monday 28th November is the end of the Crowfunding campaign for the Crossing Oceans EP, and just over £1,000 away from the target, I asked Producer Paul to hurry up the release of this song so that you could get a feel for what we are trying to achieve. Apparently it takes a few weeks to get it onto Spotify and Itunes etc, so for now you can download it with bandcamp, or just play it with Youtube or Soundcloud.
People may ask which I prefer you to do. I’d love to reach the Crowdfunder target, so if you haven’t pledged and have the means to do so, that would make my day. I’m keen to update you on my latest releases and how things are going, so signing up for updates would also make me happy. Don’t feel you have to pay for it on bandcamp, especially if you have already pledged on Crowdfunder, that would just get annoying.
I’d like to hear your thoughts on this song in the comments section or personally. People’s reactions have surprised me a lot. Some people have very sincerely told me that it has helped them with personal challenges. I never expected that and can’t tell you how satisfying it is to hear that.
The song is not everyone’s cup of tea. You need to listen to the lyrics, and there are a lot of them! Ironic, because I am rubbish at listening to lyrics and usually sing the first verse a few times when playing covers! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. If I haven’t pushed the message home enough, please pledge in my Crowdfunder! The campaign closes on 28th November.
Thank you to Paul West for producing, playing drums, and bass; to Charli Napier for the beautiful cello, and to Lucy Fox for producing your signature artwork at such short notice.
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